Apps for the workplace
Need to drive positive behavior change in your employees? Create an engaging educational, skill development or wellness app tailored to your needs.
No coding required.
Used by organizations all across the UK and Australia.
Create robust, scalable solutions tailored to your unique workplace needs.
Create engaging content
Use pre-built features like check-ins, goal-setting, rewards and reminders to create a fun, personalized experience for your employees.
Enable community learning
Allow employees to team up on offline challenges that are tied to online scores and rewards, motivating them to learn while having fun.
Efficient innovation
Create, test and iterate your solution as many times as you want, without the heavy costs and lengthy periods associated with traditional app development.
Create solutions that meet your specific workplace needs
- Health & safety training
- Skill development
- Corporate sustainability
- Mental health support
Want to create an app that improves learning outcomes or drives lasting behavior change at your workplace?
Speak to our team to discuss possibilities with Cogniss or to get started with a free trial.