

A self-help intervention app that empowers individuals with Functional Cognitive Disorder

Millions worldwide suffer from memory lapses that disrupt daily life. Functional Cognitive Disorder (FCD) affects about a third of those seen in memory clinics and is prevalent in populations such as long-COVID and menopausal brain fog sufferers. Untreated, symptoms become chronic in 85% of cases, leading to significant life impacts.

Veronica Cabreira, a neurologist-in-training and a researcher from the University of Edinburgh, wanted to develop a self-help intervention for FCD patients that would provide them with skills, strategies, and confidence to lead a normal life. The intervention programme that underlies her app was developed in collaboration with experts from the University of Edinburgh and a Health Psychologist from Denmark. It combines Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and cognitive rehabilitation strategies.

Veronica had no background in digital health, but Cogniss enabled her to develop, Mementum, an app that delivers a scalable, personalized treatment for FCD and brain fog. She appreciates that Cogniss simplifies the process of compliance with data privacy and security standards, all while making economic sense for her.


Key features of the app

  • Learning modules that cover normal memory function, CBT-based techniques and more

  • Attention training and relaxation exercises

  • Patient stories and video library

  • Memory diary

  • Homework tasks

  • Weekly check-in reminders

Veronica is recruiting 30 NHS patients to study the feasibility and usability of the app. So far the patients have reported feeling validated, supported and experiencing an improvement in memory symptoms. She is looking for funders and collaborators to help take her app to the millions of patients who need it.

Want to develop a self-help intervention of your own? We have an app template to get you started!

Nivedita Dangwal